President Ruto was represented by Musalia Mudavadi, Prime Cabinet Secretary and Minister for Foreign Affairs while Burundi’s President Evariste Ndayishimiye was represented by the Vice-President ...
Idd –ul-Adhuha Day annually falls on the 10th day of Dhul Hajj, during which Muslim faithful perform the pilgrimage to the ...
On June 7, six people were electrocuted to death in Gando village in Mubende, as they erected a tent in preparation for a wedding ...
The CSOs noted their disappointment at the substantial taxes imposed on them by the government yet they are only providing a service to its people, rather than engaging in a for-profit business ...
The minister also wants the government to allow fishermen operating on the lakes to be registered by landing site associations ...
The Minister was in Hoima City on a review meeting of the projects under the USMID (Uganda Support to Municipal Infrastructure Development) project, where some projects are still running on June 8.
Yet, this is exactly what happened at Umoja Gallery in Bukoto, two artists with vast experience and ranging techniques, Dr ...
Foundation President Charles Mutasa Kafeero encouraged the youth to help the elderly during the pilgrimage and beyond ...
Dr Charles Oyoo, Commissioner for NCDs at the Ministry of Health, warned that TFAs significantly increase the risk of NCDs, ...
Even after Park Jae-sang, aka PSY, fell from global stardom, Gangnam Style, the most popular K-pop song ever, was a milestone ...