Come and meet members of the Norfolk branch of the Christian Motorcyclists Association on Sunday 30 June in the small rural ...
Have you ever wondered how many bees a bishop has? Or what the Bishop of Norwich’s second favourite book is (assuming the ...
The director of Norwich Youth for Christ, Gwil Davey, is running the length of Marriott's Way to raise funds to help the ...
After 33 years of ecumenical effort across the county, the leaders of Churches Together in Norfolk and Waveney (NWCT) have ...
In a light-hearted column this week, Ian Boughton wonders how he can dissuade his unwanted visitors from carrying out their ...
As a General Election is called for July 4, Network Norfolk will be bringing you the latest news and information about the ...
There will be a splash of colour in Wreningham in mid-June when village gardens open their gates to visitors for the first ...
St Mary's Church in Mulbarton is teaming up with the well-established Mulbarton Wanderers Football Club to form an "A" team ...
A personal reflection by Dr Ian Watson, County Ecumenical Officer for Churches Together in Norfolk and Waveney (NWCT). It was such a joy to attend this year’s National Pilgrimage to the Anglican ...
On May 23 the Methodist leaders issued the following election call to love, pray and vote from Revd Gill Newton and Deacon Kerry Scarlett, President and Vice-President of the Methodist Conference: ...
Norwich Friends of the Earth will be hosting a selection of talks and stalls around how you at home can prepare for the impact of climate change. As part of Great Big Green Week, Norwich Friends of ...
Seven young Ecumenists have been awarded grants by The Bill Snelson Young Ecumenists Fund to enable them to have ecumenical experiences beyond England The Bill ...