Israeli forces committed new massacres in the Gaza Strip and prevented the civil defense from reaching the targeted sites.
It will be remembered that the Palestinian winning strategy has been predicated on simple but effective logic.
Israel’s National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir says the “occupation, settlement and encouragement of migration” was a solution for Gaza.
Inheriting the wealth of notorious Sheldon Adelson, she is now the 6th richest female billionaire in the United States.
Two sources told Axios that during a meeting of Israel’s security cabinet ahead of the talks in Egypt, “Netanyahu said he ...
The Israeli army also announced the killing of one of its soldiers during what it described as a thwarted operation.
Israel is carrying out a policy of systematic torture in Sde Teiman, which has been used as a detention camp for Palestinians ...
The mainstream women’s movement in the United States has a long history of being less than inclusive of women whose history ...
Russian President Vladimir Putin says what is happening now in Gaza was “some kind of total destruction of the civilian ...
Nine out of 10 children in the Gaza Strip are experiencing severe food poverty, according to the United Nations Children’s ...
Hamas Politburo Chief, Ismail Haniyeh, says the "Flag March" confirmed that Jerusalem is “the focal point” of the resistance ...
Former Israeli Supreme Court president, Aharon Barak, has resigned from his role as ad hoc judge on behalf of Israel at the ...