It will be remembered that the Palestinian winning strategy has been predicated on simple but effective logic.
The office also warned that 3,500 children in the Gaza Strip are at risk of starving to death due to the ongoing blockade and ...
Israel’s National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir says the “occupation, settlement and encouragement of migration” was a solution for Gaza.
Over the last few days, Israeli occupation forces intensified their operations in central Gaza, with particular focus on the ...
At least 60 Palestinians were detained in the occupied West Bank in what is said to be the largest arrest campaign this year.
Inheriting the wealth of notorious Sheldon Adelson, she is now the 6th richest female billionaire in the United States.
Two sources told Axios that during a meeting of Israel’s security cabinet ahead of the talks in Egypt, “Netanyahu said he ...
The United States is reportedly making efforts to prevent Gantz from resigning from the war cabinet. Israeli War Cabinet ...
Muhammad al-Hindi, Deputy Secretary-General of the Islamic Jihad Movement, stated that the Resistance demands that the ...
The United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres has informed the Israeli military forces’ Attaché in the United States, ...
BERNIE SANDERS: Netanyahu is a war criminal and I will not attend his speech in Congress. ISRAELI ARMY: Six soldiers were ...
The Israeli army also announced the killing of one of its soldiers during what it described as a thwarted operation.