Japan’s LignoSat will test wood’s resilience in space and could lead to a new era of more sustainable, less polluting ...
A glitzy holy grail in materials science has just been attained: scientists have created freestanding, single-atom-thick ...
The ability of the creatures of the sea to float is usually taken for granted, but to keep from sinking they must either keep swimming or be equipped with special flotation devices ...
Promethium, one of the rarest and most mysterious elements in the periodic table, has finally given up some crucial chemical ...
Following Mexico’s election of a woman with a scientific pedigree, Nature reviewed the legacy of well-known politicians with ...
We should—and must—take careful measure of what we name cosmic objects and the terms we use throughout science ...
Greater awareness is needed around auto-brewery syndrome, which can cause dangerous accidents and trigger social ostracism if ...
By performing tricks for birds, monkeys and other creatures, researchers hope to learn how they perceive and think about ...
A mystery disease was ripping through the cattle in the Texas panhandle. In early March, roughly three weeks after ...
Worrisome headlines about venomous Joro spiders marching up the East Coast have been spreading across the Internet like, well ...
What medications cure headaches? Should you kill cicadas? If you Google these questions in the U.S., answers may pop up ...
The effects of such change are brought out by a comparison of input-output tables listing the transactions among all sectors of industry in the U.S. for the years 1947 and 1958 ...