IN a video posted to her popular Youtube channel, 28-year-old Leonese nun Marta Gonzalez Cambronero explains that fixed ...
A BARCELONA study suggests that high spikes in temperature cause mental health problems, and have increased suicide cases by ...
AROUND 3,000 villages in Spain have been abandoned in recent decades due to depopulation as younger people go to big cities ...
To contact the newsdesk out of regular office hours please call +34 665 798 618 We are available over the Christmas and Easter holidays Voted Spain‘s number one expat newspaper and ‘second in ...
BARCELONA’S local Rodalies train network has been thrown into chaos after a host of copper wire thefts saw trains cancelled and thousands of commuters stranded. To contact the newsdesk out of ...
To contact the newsdesk out of regular office hours please call +34 665 798 618 We are available over the Christmas and Easter holidays Voted Spain‘s number one expat newspaper and ‘second in ...
IF you live in Spain, you may have come across the saying “Lorenzo el sol y Catalina la luna,” to refer to the sun and To contact the newsdesk out of regular office hours please call +34 665 ...
To contact the newsdesk out of regular office hours please call +34 665 798 618 We are available over the Christmas and Easter holidays Voted Spain‘s number one expat newspaper and ‘second in ...
SPANISH bank Bankinter has changed its mind about house prices this year, saying they will go up by 3% compared to a previous ...
VOTERS across the European Union (EU) will head to the polls this Sunday to decide who will represent each member state in ...
MERCADONA, everyone’s favourite Spanish supermarket, has announced new summer hours that will expand access to visitors and ...
To contact the newsdesk out of regular office hours please call +34 665 798 618 We are available over the Christmas and Easter holidays Voted Spain‘s number one expat newspaper and ‘second in ...