The United Nations Counter-Terrorism Centre (UNCCT) of the United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT) and the United ...
Geoinformational technologies are progressively used by law enforcement agencies of Central Asia and Azerbaijan providing additional options for the analysis of drug trafficking related data. During ...
Extremist and terrorist groups threaten peace, security and sustainable development. They pose a challenge to human rights and the rule of law and weaken the integrity and sovereignty of States. There ...
Kidnapping and extortion are egregious crimes that can have devastating effects on not only the individuals directly affected, but on society as a whole. Terrorist groups have been known to use ...
Two Port Control Units (PCUs) were opened in Chukursay and Angren Customs posts in Uzbekistan on 15 March 2016 in the framework of "UNODC-World Customs Organization (WCO) Global Container Control ...
The conference featured a series of sessions focusing on various aspects of AML/CTF measures. Experts discussed emerging ...
The initiative is part of UNODC's project on Support to Police Reform in Kazakhstan. The project is designed to support the work of the Kazakhstan Internal Affairs Ministry in police modernization and ...
"Equal representation of women in police is an important element of effective work of the police to address violence against women and safeguard rights of women and youth more broadly", said Ms.
organized by the UNODC in collaboration with Financial Monitoring Unit ...
UNODC continues to strengthen the analytical capacities of Uzbek law enforcement agencies to better gauge and respond to threats of cross-border organized crime, including illicit drug trafficking, ...
As part of the initiative, UNODC’ international experts Mr. Igoris Krzeckovskis and Mr. Irmantas Mikelionis, presented a draft concept for Strengthening Capacities in the Investigation and Seizure of ...
The thematic pages are a compilation of the information and material submitted by States parties ahead of the meetings of the Working Group on Prevention, excerpts from background reports or ...