The most interesting facts about Somalia include a gigantic coastline, prehistoric rock paintings and a tragic and troubled ...
Mr. Rageh is in charge of a number of other productions, such as a game show, a comedy show, and a culinary competition.
Heightened conflict and climate shocks are increasing humanitarian needs in Somalia as communities work to recover from the ...
Somalia is fragile zone when it comes to financial crimes because of ambiguity market that can host terror, piracy and money laundering.
Somalia's government has taken action against members of its Danab commando unit for allegedly stealing rations donated by ...
Kenya's interior ministry says five people have been killed in a bomb attack in the remote north of the country near the ...
The Danab unit has been a key pillar of U.S.-backed efforts to combat the Al Qaeda-linked militant group Al Shabaab.
The United States has been a vital backer of Somalia's Danab Brigade commandos, an elite army force involved in the fight ...
WASHINGTON - In yet another twist that could trigger a diplomatic row between the US and Somalia, a senior politician from ...
The two countries receive $180 million and $21.9 million respectively per year from ...
MOGADISHU, April 26 (Reuters) - Somalia's government said it had suspended and detained several members of an elite, U.S.-trained commando unit for stealing rations donated by the United States ...
The United States has been a vital backer of Somalia's Danab Brigade commandos, an elite army force involved in the fight against the Al-Shabaab militant group linked with Al-Qaeda. Somalia's ...