Weigela plants are decorative bushes that, because of their hardiness and beauty, make the perfect addition to any home ...
There have been 587 cases reported in the US, according to theCDC, most of them in New York, New Jersey and Illinois. A mysterious and dangerous fungal infection called Candida auris has emerged ...
In addition to the physical examination, it is recommended that the breastfeeding mother have an examination by a lactation specialist or a practitioner knowledgeable about breastfeeding to ...
Candida infections—also known as candidiasis— are fungal infections caused by the overgrowth of a type of yeast called ...
Diagnosis of Candida blood stream infection is difficult leading to over-use of lifesaving but expensive anti-fungal drugs. Antifungal stewardship aims to ensure that only patients with fungal ...
The baby's mouth had no signs of thrush. Jane's midwife diagnosed her with presumptive candida of the nipple. Jane was given a prescription of miconazole (Monistat-Derm) cream 2% and directed to ...