A new study shows that one in seven U.S. travelers encountered bed bugs last year. Here's how to spot bed bugs when traveling ...
One city in Pennsylvania is one of the "worst for bedbugs," although there's plenty of others that ranked on this list, too.
Bed bugs on a cruise ship would be a significant problem because cabins are very tightly spaced and people are generally in ...
Few things will give you the creepy-crawlies like imagining an army of bedbugs invading your bedroom. . Bedbugs can be tough to spot because they are pros at hiding and once they make themselves at ...
Bed bugs are bad enough, but some U.S. cities are getting an extra helping, especially in tourist destinations. Bed bugs can ...
Bedbugs can multiply pretty quickly, so a vigilant eye and clean bedroom are must-haves for keeping your mattress safe and ...
Students living in housing with mould, bed bugs and rats are still seeing their rents go up, as campaigners call for controls ...
The same thing happens every morning. I sit here at the lap top and suddenly the cat strolls in from the garden, sits down in ...
Vacuuming a mattress is essential for keeping dead skin, dust mites and bacteria at bay. It can also help you get rid of bed ...
More than 20 volunteers built 60 bed frames Wednesday morning at the shelter, and these new beds have some special features.