Betta, or Siamese fighting fish, are one of the most popular aquarium fish in the world. Originating from southeast Asia, betta fish are known for their diverse range of colors with over 70 different ...
Feeding your betta fish onions can result in lethargy, digestive issues, and in the worst cases, death. If you want to feed ...
Some cats hate the idea of having another pet around the house, but others may form close bonds with their siblings.
What is a betta fish? Betta fish—also known as Siamese fighting fish—are among the oldest species of domesticated fish. Their scientific name, Betta splendens, combines two languages ...
The standard Japanese name, Mini-kon’nyakuuo, comes from the fish’s small size. The new species is found exclusively on the ...
Betta fish might be small, but they still require a sizable amount of care. If you’re going to keep this type of fish, you must learn how to clean a betta fish tank. Even with a quality aquarium ...
The northern snakehead is not alone in this ability: Walking catfishes, lungfishes, and betta fish can all breathe air directly as well. These fish reach sexual maturity between one and three ...