You have more control over your happiness than it might seem. While you can't control everything that happens to you, you can ...
An “amazing” teenager died from a brain tumour just over two years after her mother first noticed that she had been swaying ...
Caitlyn Sprinkle, 27 years old, describes her TikTok feed as a mix of economic gloom and consumerism gone wild. There are ...
Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) recently showed that an AI-powered, non-invasive brain-computer interface ...
Implantable neurological technology has advanced drastically, offering a return to normalcy for some people with neurological ...
Scientists Discover How an Essential Nutrient Enters the Brain, NIH-Funded Study May Inform the Design of New Therapies ...
Brain imaging studies of women — conducted before and after menopause — reveal physical changes in structure, connectivity ...
Alabama lawmakers passed a heinous immigration law that - among other things - barred undocumented high-graduates from attending a public college or university in the state. Guess what: They left and ...
Thirteen-year-old Symaria Glenn fell ill one day after school. Her condition deteriorated, and soon the Florida teen, who ...
We feel this way because experiencing loss can lead to shifts in our biological systems. Understanding these changes, especially in our brain, can help us realize that healing from a loss can take ...