The Story of a Museum” is a special exhibition relating the story of the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization (NMEC). The ...
“Each and every artwork has a diverse message,” says Nadine Abdel Ghaffer, founder of Art D’Egypte by Culturvator, the organization hosting the show. But despite each artist’s unique approach, with ...
In an interview, political scientist Sarah Ben Néfissa and historian Pierre Vermeren argue that the group's dogmatism and ...
Set against a verdant canopy of towering trees where specks of sunlight filter through emerald leaves is Villas D’Egypte, the ...
It’s easy to mock – and I fully intend to – but it takes real imagination to come up with something like Elephant’s Breath or ...
While the headlines are dominated by the fighting in Gaza, there are no easy answers to that question, just theories and ...
THE large section of the scientific public which is interested in prehistoric remains will, we are sure, cordially welcome the second part of M. de Morgan's work on “Les Origines de l'égypte ...
From the mosque in this dusty desert village, you can see the wide terraces and austere columns of one of Egypt’s premier tourist destinations, the Temple of Hatshepsut, baking far in the distance.
Benchimol, Jaime Larry and Jogas Junior, Denis Guedes 2020. Uma história das leishmanioses no novo mundo: fins do século XIX aos anos 1960.
Carole A. Feuerman (1945) is an American superrealist sculptor born in Hartford, Connecticut and currently lives and works in ...
The amendment states that individuals shall not be handcuffed upon arrest, except in cases of extreme necessity.