The balance looks great though—at one point a person shows up and roughs up the robot a bit, kicking it in the back and ...
It's like Rosie the Robot in a bathing suit. 'Not a finger needs to be lifted,' raves one of 9,000 Amazon fans.
Within the curriculum "Robots in Human Ecology," students delve into the practical uses of the Spot robot in civilian ...
A Mitsubishi Electric robot that normally positions wires in motors for appliances like air conditioners has solved the Rubik ...
China has showcased dystopian machine-gun carrying robot battle dogs in the latest sign of its rapidly growing military ...
Mitsubishi Electric Corp.'s robot achieved an incredible feat by solving a puzzle cube in just 0.305 seconds, earning ...
Tiangong is a full-size humanoid robot from China that stands as tall as an average human, can jog and is capable of running ...
Dutch company Horti Grafting is introducing a grafting robot for tree nursery crops. Horti Grafting is a spin-off of the ...
Princeton students go viral teaching a Boston Dynamics robot dance moves, amassing over 7 million TikTok views.
iRobot has recently unveiled a new CEO who it hopes can help navigate its turnaround. The company's financials aren't in ...