He played a part in the Roman victory and destruction of Judea. However much he tried to justify his actions by blaming ...
The Desert Frontier unit also offered a solution to a growing problem in the IDF combat units that no one dares mention: Bedouin trackers.
Gen. Yehuda Fox, head of the Central Command of the Israel Defense Forces whose area of responsibility includes Judea and Samaria, accused Smotrich of undermining law enforcement in the region. Fox ...
The eight, including six foreign nationals, have been banned thanks to a new team of detectives that was created within the ...
The confluence of the catastrophe of October 7 and Israel's 76th anniversary may blunt the political debate for a while, but ...
After a Nashville hotel got cold feet and sought to cancel a pro-Israel event, Christian finance expert and syndicated radio ...
Sonesta Hotel in Nashville, Tennessee, has backed out of hosting a conference in support of Israel after receiving a ...
They were aiming to establish a Jewish foothold in Judea and Samaria, the Israeli designation for the territories that make up the West Bank, and they had found a back door that required only the ...
A tense Jewish state; an indulgent but often exasperated superpower; an Arab-Jewish war; an aggressive empire ruling Iran and ...
American Friends of Judea and Samaria (AFJS), a registered 501 (c) 3, non-profit organization in the United States, is offering discounts at tourism and heritage sites throughout Judea and Samaria ...
Chiefs kicker claimed Congress “passed a bill where stating something as basic as the Biblical teaching of who killed Jesus could land you in jail.” ...
Since the failed peace process began in 1993, the General Staff became a stakeholder in the success of its “partner,” the Palestinian Authority.