Every tech company is getting in on AI. (Even Apple, soon enough.) Opera, the web browser, has an AI chatbot it calls Aria, that at first doesn't seem much different than any other chatbot you may ...
Opera's stock surged over 25% following its Q4 earnings report but has since declined due to market conditions. The company's advertising business saw a 20% YoY increase in sales, driven by ...
povoとUQモバイルを徹底比較します。 結論:povoとUQモバイルを徹底比較でわかったこと 両者を徹底比較した結論は以下です。 povoとUQ ...
楽天モバイルの「nanoSIM」と「eSIM」について紹介します。 まずは、「nanoSIM」と「eSIM」のどっちを選ぶかどうかについてみていきましょう。
The label of elitism sticks to opera like superglue. The label is a fake, but one for which no cultural chemical capable of removing it has yet proved effective. Still, opera populists are trying ...
先日、「モバイルSuica」や「モバイルPASMO」について、誤解しがちな部分を解説する記事を掲載しました。 すると、特にモバイルSuicaについて ...
Customization still exists, from wallpapers to different colored themes, but this new Cyberpunk 2077 browser mod for Opera GX reminds us of the good old days. Opera GX, designed for gamers ...
The Kennedy Center premieres a new ending for one of the world's most famous operas on Saturday in Washington, D.C. The opera is Turandot, and its ending has always been, shall we say, problematic.
The first grand opera to be produced in Saudi Arabia has had its opening performance in Riyadh - part of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman's massively ambitious plans to shift the kingdom into a ...
Performances in N.Y.C. In an interview, Blain-Cruz explained why an oratorio like John Adams and Peter Sellars’s “El Niño” is more difficult to stage than the usual opera. The director ...
しかし、モバイルSuicaでは買えません 函南~沼津間を着駅とする「Suicaグリーン券」を買えないのはなぜ? 3月14日、首都圏の普通列車用グリーン ...