Europe Elections Series We are excited to announce the launch of our new podcast series, Policy Voices: Europe Elections, set ...
Citizens Speak Up!” report we released in late February 2024 revealed a clear message from citizens across Europe: water ...
Between September 2023 and April 2024, Debating Europe ran four online focus group series (small and facilitated citizen group discussion) to discuss four strands of the EU missions on climate action.
L’Europe que nous connaissons aujourd’hui a été conçue dans l’après-guerre pour une réalité très différente. L’accumulation de défis allant du changement climatique à l’automatisation et aux crises ...
L’Europa che conosciamo oggi è stata progettata in un’era postbellica per una realtà molto diversa. L’accumularsi di sfide che vanno dal cambiamento climatico all’automazione e alle crisi economiche, ...
Det Europa vi känner idag utformades under efterkrigstiden för en mycket annorlunda verklighet än den vi har idag. Dagens verklighet formas av ackumulerade utmaningar; som sträcker sig från ...
Das Europa, das wir heute kennen, wurde in der Nachkriegszeit für eine ganz andere Realität entworfen. Die Anhäufung von Herausforderungen – vom Klimawandel über die Automatisierung bis hin zu ...
2024 Voices – Citizens Speak Up! The Europe we know today was designed in a postwar era for a vastly different reality. Mounting challenges and crises ranging from climate change to automation and ...
The world has grown complex with multiple centres of power. With new global challenges such as the climate crisis, we are more dependent than ever on each other. What can Europe learn from its ...
L’Europe que nous connaissons aujourd’hui a été conçue dans l’après-guerre pour une réalité très différente. L’accumulation de défis allant du changement climatique à l’automatisation et aux crises ...