The ban took effect on May 20. There may be avenues to getting it overturned, but for now, harm reductionists will have to ...
A projected US decline of 3 percent masks increases in the West, due to the shifting drug supply. Other key information isn't ...
The postponement is attributed to electoral concerns as well as opposition from human rights advocates. But the FDA says it's ...
Cigarettes remain exceptionally lucrative, as the FDA targets their major competitors. We need to work with consumer ...
"The Darién odyssey ... does not have a reason to exist," stated José Raúl Mulino after the final vote was tallied.
"People knew I wasn't selling real Rolexes," Luca said. "They just needed me to convince them that the fake would pass for ...
I was schooled that there was no point in dialogue with “those people.” But I think we owe it to people who smoke to be ...
Experts say it could just displace and diversify production, leading to less familiar, more potent drugs in the supply.
We need to reject the very concept of prohibition to undo its harms. To this end, I helped create a new coalition to pressure ...
The primary harm of stimulant overdose tends to come from cops getting involved, rather than from the stimulant itself.
A fter nearly 30 years in prison, I still find moments of joy and happiness. I wondered if anyone else was experiencing the ...
New research quantifies large-scale trauma inflicted on children from 2011-2021. Indigenous children were most likely to lose ...