A preparatory meeting took place in the conference room of the Ministry of Sports and Physical Education yesterday, May 29, ...
A decree of the President of the Republic created the Higher Teachers’ Training College (HTTC) in the University of Buea in ...
The Sixth Session of the Federal Council of the National Federation of School Sports “League B” took place in Yaounde on ...
Serenity reigns in most accommodation centres in Yaounde as aspirants’ sit for the exams.
During the Sunday, May 26, 2024 ceremony in the capital Moroni, the President pledged to work for peace and development.
The written part of the Cameroon General Certificate of Education examinations off to a good start in Douala.
Some teams have begun arriving in the Far North regional capital to get used to the environment ahead of the event.
Some 30 players from Cameroon and abroad took part in the golf competition that ended in Nkoabe in the Nyong and So’o ...
It coincided with its fourth Open Door Day where its 10 departments exhibited key equipment pool used in scientific ...
Their performance will equally serve as a pointer to how well their teachers succeeded in imparting knowledge in the students and even pupils during the school year. Parents on their part will be ...
President Paul Biya and wife last evening treated Cameroonians and friends of the country to a hectic reception after the ...
Directives on the conducts of the examinations across the region were dished out to teachers recently.