Whether you're dealing with mumblings from meetings, noises from notifications, or music from commute-time streaming, you've ...
In the second phase of a genAI pilot program, Sedgwick found it could process documents up to 30 pages long and summarize ...
In-office mandates aren’t great for employee retention, according to a university study that gathered data from workers at ...
The “Model Spec” draft document outlined a three-pronged approach to shaping AI behavior. “This document specifies OpenAI’s ...
The big news concerns speed. Apple’s M4 is up to 45% faster than the M2 processor and 25% faster than the not-so-old amazing ...
It’s bad enough when an employee goes rogue and does an end-run around IT; but when a vendor does something similar, the ...
The ad features — if that’s the right word — musical instruments, artist tools, toys, and games being crushed by a huge ...
Microsoft’s licensing of its software and services in the cloud is getting it into more hot water in Europe. This time it’s a ...
A web browser is almost certainly the most popular application on a Windows PCs. And while there’s a lot of competition, all ...
Work Trend Index survey shows that workers are coming to grips with generative AI tools, but leaders aren’t convinced they ...
Given the plethora of privacy rules already in place in Europe, how are companies with shiny, new, not-understood genAI tools ...
If the ban goes into effect, the talent wars will broaden and intensify — and return-to-work efforts would likely crumple.