A CDH diagnosis brought uncertainty, but seven years later, the outlook is sunny. Learn more about Julian and Johns Hopkins ...
A novel therapy that reprograms immune cells to promote antitumor activity helped shrink hard-to-treat prostate and bladder ...
New research out of @jhrheumatology shows that combinations of interferons, or antiviral proteins, are associated with ...
Johns Hopkins Medicine researchers say they have found that specific variations in three genes related to maintaining the ...
@hopkinskimmel, @JohnsHopkinsSPH researchers find location, race and insurance status play a role in the odds of early-stage ...
Over the last year, we have discovered a lot about endurance, perseverance and resilience as we have confronted the COVID-19 pandemic together. We have also learned a lot about the coronavirus that ...
A study led by @HopkinsKids shows the COVID-19 pandemic led to some delayed developmental milestones for infants and children ...
Mindfulness meditation is a form of present-moment awareness—just noticing what is happening inside our bodies and in the world around us as it is happening. The opposite of being mindful is being on ...
Wisdom teeth often first appear in young adults between the ages of 17 to 21. They are also called third molars. Because most mouths are too small for 4 more teeth, wisdom teeth often need to be ...
Over 60 percent of twins and nearly all higher-order multiples are premature (born before 37 weeks). The higher the number of fetuses in the pregnancy, the greater the risk for early birth. Premature ...
Varicocele embolization is a type of medical procedure. It redirects blood away from an enlarged vein in your scrotum. Such an enlarged vein is called a varicocele. It can cause pain, infertility, and ...
An orthotist is a healthcare provider who makes and fits braces and splints (orthoses). These are made for people who need added support for certain body parts. These body parts have been weakened by ...