Validating children's feelings at the expense of setting limits and helping kids learn to cope is neither helpful nor loving.
Dehumanization increases risks of violence, marginalization, injustice, and further cycles of dehumanization. We can ...
It can be hard to talk with kids about sex, but instead of having one big talk, try just answering the questions your kids ...
Not being believed, especially if their stalker is a female, is one of the major barriers that victims of stalking often ...
What is classical music’s place today, what will its future be, and what can we learn from attending a classical concert live ...
While some clients may be hesitant, there are many advantages of seeing a therapist from a different generation.
While we hope for a day when such realistic portrayals become the industry standard, these three films offer a glimpse into ...
There's a lot of buzz about parent/adult estrangement out there even though it is not a new phenomenon. A look at the ...
Buying all the art in her gallery, leaving an expensive watch—is Hayes love-bombing Solene? Let's consider whether his ...
Sunlight exposure is remarkably effective in reducing disease risk and extending lifespan—even though it causes more skin ...
Masculine defaults produce unattractive workplace environments for women in prestigious fields. The solution is not to train ...
New research reveals adolescents with conduct problems are less willing to help others. Actual helping also depended on ...