The Hone lab at Columbia Engineering created over 100 identical graphene samples with their oxygen-free chemical vapor ...
Supercapacitors, which rely on ion accumulation in their pores, are known for their rapid charging times and longer life ...
A team from Stanford University utilized cutting-edge microscopy to delve into the intricacies of SARS-CoV-2 replication within cells, potentially revolutionizing drug development. They captured ...
Impact of wealth and pavement on garden biodiversity. The University of Colorado Boulder research revealed a significant finding: community gardens in wealthier Boulder neighborhoods exhibit a lower ...
A breakthrough in optical physics. Vector-structured beams (VSBs) unlock endless eigenstates and pave the way for revolutionary advancements in high-capacity optical and quantum communications through ...
Impact of wealth and surfaces on insects in community garden. University of California- Riverside researchers found a cheaper, safer way to attract and kill termites. They use a nice-smelling chemical ...
The microbes’ ability to alter fat metabolism may explain possible health benefits in humans. In a new study, researchers found that the microbes in kombucha tea make changes to fat metabolism in the ...
The study raises important questions about the use of algorithms in judicial decision-making and the need for more research and discussion. Image for representational purposes only. A recent study ...
Innovative material for sustainable buildings. Maximizing natural light in buildings is a popular trend due to its potential to save on energy costs. However, traditional glass roofs and walls often ...
Study was the first to apply the method to a real-world disaster. Firefighter spraying water from hose on burning house at night. Air-borne contaminants resulting from natural and man-made disasters ...
Through smart algorithms, it can offer electric drivers personalized prices. As global environmental concerns continue to escalate, electric vehicles (EVs) have emerged as a sustainable and ...
Clinical trials on pediatric patients with cystic fibrosis have shown success using a flexible device that can stimulate sweat glands and simultaneously monitor biosignals. This groundbreaking ...