A report by Wavemaker UK argues that media planners should adopt an ‘encounters-first’ mindset when developing ad campaigns, concluding that TV remains the most cost-effective channel overall because ...
Pricing has been called the swiftest and strongest arrow in the marketer’s quiver, and revenue growth management is the latest discipline to drive sustainable, profitable growth through increasing and ...
Behavioral science can help the performance of ads that lead with an environmental message, improving their creative effectiveness by successfully encouraging consumers towards habits that positively ...
CK Prahalad wrote his famous treatise “The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid” in 2004, but there was an individual who recognised the potential of the bottom of the pyramid long before this book ...
Many consumers are changing their purchase behavior in the tech category due to economic concerns, and brands need to respond accordingly. Consumer tech brands face a significant innovation challenge ...
Uncover what works in the rapidly-changing world of retail media with examples, evidence and our expertise to take the guess-work out of strategic planning. Measure your success versus your ...
Thirty-five years ago, in 1987, Japanese auto maker Toyota launched a luxury car brand in America that it believed could take on the G3 – Germany’s top luxury automakers, Audi, BMW and Mercedes-Benz.
In a world in which fewer holidaymakers are taking traditional two-week package tours, an audaciously provocative communications campaign helped safeguard the future of a 60-year-old Danish travel ...
Mars Wrigley has embarked on a journey to enhance its portfolio with healthier options that cultivate people's need for more physical, emotional and social resilience. To develop this health and ...
This report summarises the key themes from winning campaigns that were executed in the North America region, with summaries of the top five campaigns.
Since its introduction by Reichheld in 2003, organizations have swooped around the Net Promoter Score (NPS) (Lewis & Mehmet, 2020). NPS is based on a question reflecting customers' self-reported ...
"Menstrual shame" has always troubled Chinese women. As a leading brand in the sanitary napkin industry, Sophie hopes to help Chinese women break the constraints of traditional ideas and promote women ...