Why did the turtle cross the road? Well, to get to the other side but traffic sometimes makes that a big task for a little ...
If you can safely move it, please do, but also respect that that's a wild turtle and that is where it belongs,” said state ...
Turtles are on the move. As the weather warms, turtles go out in search of food, new territory and breeding grounds, and will ...
Vermont’s turtles are on the move, and the Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department is asking for the public’s help in keeping ...
Morning visitors to Wye Marsh will have the chance to join in a variety of Turtle Nursery Shenanigans at 11 a.m. as a special ...
The Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department is asking the public to be aware and help turtles that may be trying to cross roads.
Minnesota drivers are warned to watch for turtles crossing roads during the nesting season to prevent roadkill and protect ...