Lucasfilm President Kathleen Kennedy defended the storytelling that has been part of "Star Wars" under her leadership in a ...
Lucasfilm President Kathleen Kennedy said in a recent interview that women who work in "Star Wars" sometimes face "personal" ...
Besides “The Acolyte,” other “Star Wars” projects have been announced.
YouTuber Jenny Nicholson's deep dive into a Disney flop is long, obsessively detailed, and nerdy as hell. It also may be the ...
There are poplar movie franchises, and then there's Star Wars. Generations grew up with the galaxy far, far way, resulting in ...
One of LEGO's latest Star Wars sets has kicked the door wide open for a bold new direction the company's licensed games could ...
No release date has been announced, though Lucasfilm marked December 18, 2026, and December 17, 2027, as dates for future ...
Star Wars' next live-action series, The Acolyte, takes viewers back to the final days of the High Republic era for a Jedi crime drama/thriller from Leslye Headland, co-creator of Netflix's Russian ...
The Acolyte could potentially explore the history of the Force Dyad in a new light, adding depth to the concept and its ...