Before Ohio voters amended their constitution last year to protect abortion rights, the state’s attorney general, an ...
COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — A county judge could rule as early as Monday on Ohio's law banning virtually all abortions , a decision ...
The abortion rights group Pro-Choice Ohio has changed its name for the second time in a decade. And this name change comes ...
The Left's dark money network helped get abortion into Ohio's Constitution. Now, it's taking a big hit with a ban on foreign ...
Even before the fall of Roe v. Wade in 2022, abortion rights advocates were tired of dancing around the subject. Around that ...
Ohio judge set to rule on state’s near-total ban on abortions - Remnants of 2019 ban could be thrown out under challenge from ...
The patchwork of constitutional amendments, laws, and regulations that determine where and how abortions are available across the country could take years to crystallize, and even though a ballot ...
Voters fill out their ballots in August 2022 at the Midwest Genealogy Center in Independence, Missouri. Voters in Missouri ...
Gerrymandering, the reshaping of voting districts to unfairly favor one party, is an obstacle to fair representation for Ohio citizens. Our state is alarmingly gerrymandered. Nearly every voting ...
COLUMBUS, Ohio — Nan Whaley, the Democrat who unsuccessfully challenged Republican Gov. Mike DeWine in 2022, has a prominent ...
Nan Whaley, Dayton’s former Democratic mayor and one-time gubernatorial nominee, is set to lead the Planned Parenthood ...
BLANTYRE, Malawi (AP) — Malawi’s vice president and nine others have been killed in a plane crash, the country’s president ...