全球電腦硬體領導品牌-技嘉科技,近年在雲端算力和 AI 市場取得技術領先地位,今日宣布將於2024年6月1日至6月5日在華山1914文化創意產業園區西一館舉辦「GIGABYTE AI 新紀元,人類 X 藝術 X ...
隨著科技蓬勃發展,全球產業處於AI革命與數位轉型浪潮中,而在全球AI與科技產業中,相當具指標性的「2024台北國際電腦展(COMPUTEX 2024)」,今年將以「AI串聯、共創未來(Connecting ...
(AP) - Google said Friday it has made “more than a dozen technical improvements” to its artificial intelligence systems after its retooled search engine was found spitting out erroneous information.
Google's new AI-generated summaries now appear at the top of your search results, and there's little you can do about it.
Google said it has made “more than a dozen technical improvements” to its artificial intelligence systems after its search ...
Meta has been offering an AI summary of Facebook posts to a few users. The social media giant’s in-house Gen AI.
Google admits its new AI-powered search summaries recently provided inaccurate results, like when results incorrectly said ...
Google's AI Overviews feature for search results is under scrutiny after users reported incorrect or dubious advice from its ...
The internet giant's public experiment with AI-generated summaries for search results has had a rough start. Google says it ...
Liz Reid, Google’s head of search, said in a blog post that the company had made adjustments to its new AI search feature ...
Google has addressed the AI Overviews controversy, while promising improvements to the feature's accuracy and reliability.
微軟Build 2024開發者大會上, 高通 技術公司宣布 Qualcomm AI Hub擴展支援Snapdragon X系列平台,為開發人員縮短產品推出上市時間,在新一代Windows PC發揮裝置上生成式AI的優勢。 此外,開發人員現在可以導入自己的AI模型,無縫最佳化後直接在裝置內運行。 在裝置上運行AI模型的能力提供顯著的優勢 ...