The former House speaker slammed the ex-president and current GOP candidate for putting himself above the Constitution.
Trump threw a hissy fit on his social network over Paul Ryan (who is a Fox board member) saying he wouldn't vote for Trump. Via Vanity Fair: “Rupert Murdoch should fire pathetic RINO Paul Ryan from ...
Former President Donald Trump wants Rupert Murdoch to fire Paul Ryan, the former Republican speaker of the House, from the board of Fox Corp. Why? Because Ryan says he won’t vote for Trump in ...
<次の大統領候補とも目されていた米共和党下院議長のライアンが、遂にトランプへの支持を表明。これで共和党の「反 ...
I am pleased to know that former House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Janesville, has indicated publicly he will not vote for Donald Trump for president this fall because the office requires a person of ...
Cardi B won’t be at the polls casting a vote for either Joe Biden or Donald Trump in the presidential election this November. After publicly supporting Bernie Sanders and then Biden in 2020 ...
The rapper has long been an outspoken critic of Trump, but had voiced support for ... but because the [U.S.] won't benefit from that country, they won't help. 'I don't like that America has ...
Attorney and conservative political pundit George Conway predicted that defendant Donald Trump will not be unanimously acquitted in his hush money trial once jurors get the case next week.
Trump said: "If you like having elections, if you like having a free country...if you are standing against Putin, then you ...
Cardi B is sharing her thoughts on the upcoming Presidential election, which is set to be a historic contest between incumbent President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump. Cardi expressed ...
A lunchtime shooting in the Garfield High School parking lot struck a student multiple times in the chest and abdomen. After ...
She doubled down on her promise not to vote for President Biden or Donald Trump in a new interview. During the interview ... “There’s countries [where] kids are getting killed every single day, but ...