WASP-193b is 50% larger than Jupiter — the largest planet in our solar system — but seven times less massive because of it's ...
The new planet, named WASP-193b, appears to dwarf Jupiter in size, yet researchers found it's the second-lightest planet ...
The planet - which has been named WASP-193b - is thought to be the second least dense planet that has ever been discovered.
This planet is 150 percent the size of Jupiter, but is somehow 7 times less dense, and has 1 percent the density of Earth.
Astronomers have identified a planet that’s bigger than Jupiter yet surprisingly as fluffy and light as cotton candy. The ...
Researchers have discovered a "super fluffy" exoplanet, 50 per cent larger than Jupiter and weighing only a seventh of it, ...
Located 1,200 light-years from Earth, WASP-193b is the second-lightest exoplanet ever discovered despite being larger than ...
Located 1,200 light-years from Earth, WASP-193b stands out as an anomaly among over five thousand known exoplanets. It is 50% ...
WASP-193b is roughly 50 percent bigger than nearby gas giant Jupiter, but its mass is calculated to be just 0.14 that of ...
The team hypothesizes that the exoplanet is primarily made of hydrogen and helium—similar to other gas giants in our galaxy.
The researchers also determined that the gas giant orbits its star, similar in size to our Sun, once every 6.2 days.
Researchers have stumbled on WASP-193b, a mind-boggling exoplanet with a density so low that they have nicknamed it ...