Ben Cotton was involved in efforts to analyze voting data and machines in multiple battleground states, including Michigan ...
Two prominent 2020 election deniers in Michigan were charged Wednesday with allegedly tampering with election equipment and sharing voter data with an unauthorized third-party. The defendants are ...
Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel announced charges against the pair on Wednesday, accusing Scott and Lambert Junttila of allowing an unauthorized computer examiner to access voter data ...
Hillsdale — About 40 people crammed into a courtroom in Hillsdale Monday to show support for lawyer Stefanie Lambert and former Adams Township Clerk Stephanie Scott, who were arraigned on ...
In Michigan, a battleground state, elections have been scrutinized in recent years, and this year’s presidential electio The post was flagged as part of Meta’s efforts to combat false news and ...
Butz is one of many activists in Michigan who have been using open records requests for voting data to investigate the state's voting system since the 2020 presidential election. "Light is what's ...
Attorney Stefanie Lambert Junttila and former Adams Township. Clerk Stephanie Scott were arraigned on Monday in District Court 2B in Hillsdale County. Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel announced ...
Sen. James Runestad (R-White Lake) speaks at an election security event in Lansing, Michigan on June 5, 2024 (Photo: Anna Liz Nichols) Recent changes to Michigan election law, as well as other ...
See what new members are saying about why they donated to Bridge Michigan: “In order for this information to be accurate and unbiased it must be underwritten by its readers, not by special interests.” ...
A prosecutor declined to file charges Tuesday against a police officer who struck and killed a western Michigan teenager while the boy was running from a stolen vehicle. Kent County prosecutor ...
US debt collection company Financial Business and Consumer Solutions (FBCS) has experienced a data breach, exposing the information of more than 3.2 million Americans. Threat actors accessed FBCS ...
A prosecutor declined to file charges Tuesday against a police officer who struck and killed a western Michigan teenager while the boy was running from a stolen vehicle. Kent County prosecutor ...