The H5N1 avian flu virus has been discovered in a small number of wild birds in New York City. The highly infectious and ...
NYC wild birds carry H5N1 avian influenza, as revealed by a study involving local students. The research highlights urban ...
A small number of New York City wild birds carry highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza, according to a recent study.
The highly infectious H5N1 avian flu has been found in wild birds in New York City. The flu was detected in droppings ...
The research, published Wednesday in the Journal of Virology, was the result of a novel collaboration between several groups: ...
Health officials have found a possible sign that a highly contagious disease could be quickly spreading in Upstate New York.
When a child in a small Cambodian town fell sick recently, his rapid decline set off a global disease surveillance system.
While a multi-state spread of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza has been detected in livestock and one human throughout the last few months, no cases have yet to be reported in New York state.
The new case, in a Michigan farmworker, did not suggest that bird flu was widespread in people, health officials said, adding ...
A dairy worker in Michigan contracted an eye infection on a dairy farm where H5N1 had been identified in cows.
LANSING — The avian flu outbreak across the U.S. has continued to spread in Michigan, where the disease has been found in ...
Samples from wastewater plants across the nation show an increase in multiple flu viruses. Some experts worry that H5N1 bird ...