Georgia’s parliament has passed a controversial “foreign agents” bill despite widespread domestic opposition and warnings from the European Union that its enactment would imperil the country ...
The ruling Georgian Dream party has for weeks tried to force through the “foreign agent” law, likened by critics to a measure ...
Georgia’s parliament is set to pass the highly controversial “foreign agents” bill, on Tuesday (May 14) despite weeks of, often violent, protests with many criticising it for being similar ...
Georgia’s parliament has voted to override the presidential veto of a Russian-inspired “foreign agent” law, defying fierce protests at home and criticism abroad. Tuesday’s vote to bypass ...
Georgia’s Parliament passed its new “transparency of foreign influence” bill – also known as the “foreign agents” law – on Tuesday despite mass protests that have rocked the capital ...
Thousands of protesters have rallied in Georgia after its parliament passed the third and final reading of a bill on “foreign agents” despite warnings from Brussels that its passage could harm ...