It follows after a record number of sightings of the invasive species last year Authorities in the UK are urging people to ...
People are being urged to report sightings of Asian hornets this summer as nature groups warn of a potential surge in ...
The UK is bracing for an invasion of Asian hornets, with sightings skyrocketing by a staggering 3,800 per cent. These menacing insects, which are known to decimate entire beehives within hours ...
People are being urged to report any sightings of Asian hornets this summer as nature groups warn of a potential surge in damaging invasive non-native species. The UK’s chief plant health ...
The public are being warned to report sightings of Asian Hornets this summer as experts warn of a potential surge of the ...
The UK has been put on Asian hornet alert - with Brits told what to do when they see one. The Wildlife and Countryside Link (WCL) has warned that recent flooding and warming temperatures have ...
BRITAIN has been told to be on alert for Asian hornets. Here we take you through what to look for, how poisonous they can be, and what to do if you spot one. Asian hornets, which have the Latin ...
Britons should report any sightings of Asian hornets this summer as nature groups warn of a surge in the damaging invasive non-native species. The public and beekeepers have been asked to be vigilant ...
The May Day Bank Holiday weekend could be a windy washout for many with some parts of the country still expected to see warm temperatures. New maps show areas such as Edinburgh, Inverness ...