It’s tempting to imagine that the world was once home to mythical lands of beauty and abundance whose streets were lined with ...
One of the most extraordinary stories of human migration unfolded around 70,000 years ago, as humans crossed from Southeast Asia into modern-day Australia, traversing a now-submerged, Atlantis ...
A new simulation reveals how Australia's first inhabitants migrated across Sahul, before it became modern-day Australia. One of the most extraordinary stories of human migration unfolded around ...
A new study of metal ore deep inside the moon is offering fresh evidence that Earth's natural satellite was formed by an ancient planet crashing into Earth long ago. This long-theorized ...
The drowned city of Atlantis has captivated mankind across the centuries, as a utopian naval empire of demigods with advanced technologies that ruled the entire known western world. The legendary ...
Source The Mythical World of Atlantis, from Plato to Disney: Theories of the Lost Empire is a tie-in book for Atlantis: The Lost Empire. A non-fiction book primarily written from the fictional ...
The newly-discovered cells help shed light on how the liver repairs itself after damage. Scientists have discovered a new type of cell in the liver that plays a critical role in repairing damage.
Using a bright squeezed vacuum, the scientists were able to measure extreme statistical events with up to 65 electrons from one light pulse, with an average value of 0.27 electrons per pulse.In ...
Scientists have discovered a new type of cell in the liver that plays a critical role in repairing damage. These "leader cells" are responsible for dragging healthy tissue into wounds as they heal ...
A previously unknown mechanism for inactivating genes that suppress tumor formation helps explain why cancer risk is associated with an unhealthy diet or unmanaged metabolic conditions like diabetes.