A NEW online portal has been launched to residents of Darwen can give their views on how £20million of new Whitehall cash ...
People have been invited to have their say on how £20M is spent on remodelling their town. Farnworth was chosen as one of 55 towns across the country for a cash injection from the government to ...
The new chair of a board which will advise how £20m of Government funding in Darwen will be spent, has spoken of her desire to make a ‘real difference’ to communities. Tracey Alcock, is ...
A major consultation is being launched in which residents are urged to have their say on how the latest round of £20 million government funding is spent in the resort. The funding which is part ...
The money was handed out to Farnworth to regenerate its high street and tackle anti-social behaviour as part of the government’s long term plan for towns. In March, the 'Farnworth Town Board ...
A £20 million Government hand out to improve Sutton Coldfield will be administered by the town and not city council the Minister for Levelling Up has confirmed. Royal Sutton Coldfield Town ...
The Lewisham community is invited to have its say on how £24million of funding being injected into the town centre should be spent. This funding was given to Lewisham Council after a successful ...
Pulse and its sister publications have launched a survey to gather views on the success of the PCN model following the end of the initial five-year contract. The State of Primary Care survey asks GPs ...
Residents still have time to provide feedback on a proposed new wind farm for East Ayrshire. Vattenfall is developing plans for South Kyle II Wind Farm, an 11 wind turbine project located between ...
We’ve all got so used to the trains in this country being completely useless (Picture: Aaron Chown/PA) ‘I made a mistake this weekend’ is something I’ve uttered on many a Monday morning in ...