MSN-இல் ஹோஸ்ட் செய்யப்பட்டது24நா
Kremlin reiterates buffer zone in Ukraine: ISW explains Russian motives
The Russian regime has once again spoken about the so-called buffer zone in Ukraine. This is how the Russians justify war and occupation, reports the Institute for the Study of War (ISW).
Russian troops continued tactically significant advances north and north-east of the city of Kharkiv on 13 May and now appear to be giving priority to the rapid establishment of a "buffer zone" along ...
Russian troops appear to be creating a "buffer zone" in northeast Ukraine, military experts said. The goal is likely to stop Ukraine from carrying out cross-border raids on Russian towns, they said.
The Russian forces' new offensive in Kharkiv region underscores the importance of the Ukraine Defense Contact Group which is meeting at a "moment of challenge" since the Kremlin's forces will try to ...
Russian troops appear to be creating a "buffer zone" in northeast Ukraine, military experts said. The goal is likely to stop Ukraine from carrying out cross-border raids on Russian towns, they said.
Kyiv: Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Friday that Russian forces advancing in Ukraine's northeast are carving out a "buffer zone" to protect Russia from attacks and said the West was ...
A nighttime Russian attack destroyed trains, tracks and buildings in Ukraine's northeastern Kharkiv region. No injuries were reported in the attack, which also damaged infrastructure, according to ...