Chief Constable Stephen Watson, of Greater Manchester Police, whose force has been rated the most improved in England and Wales Credit: HEATHCLIFF O'MALLEY FOR THE TELEGRAPH The head of England ...
The head of England’s second largest police force has backed the Government on stop and search, saying a drive in the tactic had reduced knife crime hospital admissions by more than a quarter.
Police must increase their use of stop-and-search to tackle knife crime and stop trying to 'appease' critics who say it is racist, a senior minister said today. Chris Philp said street stops were ...
COPS must ramp up the use of stop and search to stamp out knife crime, the policing minister has declared. Chris Philp said the tactic is a "vital tool" and that police officers should not be ...
The case for stop and search has never been clearer. Having effectively removed it as a tool from police in London, we are now seeing the consequences play out on our streets. Statistics show that ...