English Premier League clubs have voted in favour of retaining the controversial Video Assistant Referee (VAR) system next ...
The Premier League has confirmed that VAR will continue next season after the 20 clubs voted 19 to one to keep it but the technology will be altered in the summer ...
Premier League clubs have voted in favour of continuing to use VAR in the top flight of English football, the league has announced.
Latest Premier League news with an official statement confirming a new financial system set to affect Arsenal, Chelsea and ...
Wolves had spear-headed the call to part ways with VAR, however the AGM has resulted in continued operations - albeit after ...
At Thursday's AGM in Harrogate, clubs agreed to implement UEFA's Squad Cost Rules (SCR) and the controversial 'anchoring' ...
The Premier League will continue to use video assistant referees (VAR) next season after Wolves were the only club to vote in ...
Premier League clubs were asked to vote on the abolition of VAR from next season; Wolves tabled a proposal that was heard at the Premier League clubs AGM on Thursday; majority of clubs want VAR to be ...
The Premier League are set to meet today at its general annual meeting to discuss a number of topics including potential new PSR rules ...
Premier League clubs have agreed to trial “top-to-bottom anchoring” (TBA), on a non-binding basis, as an additional ...
Premier League says its clubs have voted to continue using VAR next season. 24/7 coverage of breaking news and live events ...
Premier League clubs have voted 19 to one to keep VAR next season. The league confirmed there had been a vote in favour of ...