A new book tells the history of the ancient world through women and what they had to say about their own sexuality – flying ...
A woman has gone viral after revealing why Greek statues always have small penises. TikTok creator Ruby Reign has brought ...
The ancient Greek gods, the immortal characters of Greek mythology, remain a fascination around the world as do their unusual ...
Everyday life in Ancient Athens of the Hellenistic era was more intellectually stimulating, and exciting, than in most ...
If we asked readers to name female painters, not many names would likely come up. Most would mention Frida Kahlo and Berthe ...
There is no question that in the Greek mind, there was an analogy between the architectural form and the human form. Q: The sculptures within ... sculpted female figures, which serve as columns ...
For most western Europeans it was the first time they had ever been able to look closely at Greek sculpture ... drunk and attempted to rape the women, while their leader tried to carry off ...
Its original owner misses it. For proof, look no further than – well, pretty much any Roman or Greek statue. Face: check. Weirdly gaudy painted eyeballs? Check. Nose? Missing. But why?
The Parthenon marbles are rarely out of the news. Most recently, Turkish officials have rejected claims by the British Museum ...
Loza Azuaga, María Luisa Beltrán Fortes, José Román Punzón, Julio Miguel Ruiz Montes, Pablo Moreno Alcaide, Manuel and Fernández García, María Isabel 2021. La villa romana de Salar (Granada). El ...
Greek cities had beautiful temples with stone columns and statues, and open-air theatres ... This water jar from around 500BC shows a 'fountain-house'. Women came here to fill jars with water ...
Each is a mid-career survey of feminist painting, sculpture and video from ... Much of the work is a hybrid of female and ...