Pet Shop Boys have announced a new album, Nonetheless, with a song called “Loneliness.” The follow-up to 2020’s Hotspot arrives April 26, marking the duo’s return to the label home of its ...
Loneliness gets to the heart of the spiritual ... McLellan’s visual accompaniment shows that Pet Shop Boys are particularly alert to the moment. Nonetheless is the 15th album from the Pet ...
Adjust the colors to reduce glare and give your eyes a break. Use one of the services below to sign in to PBS: You've just tried to add this video to My List. But first, we need you to sign in to PBS ...
The Pet Shop Boys and Sting have been announced as the headliners of BBC Radio 2 in the Park in Preston this September. The ...
TORRES Non-binary lesbian singer/songwriter Torres (aka Mackenzie Scott, not to be confused with the ex-wife of Jeff Bezos) ...
The Pet Shop Boys aren’t a conceptual pop group so ... they made highly erudite synth-pop imbued with the loneliness of the AIDS crisis and the yearning for a future that wasn’t promised.
But here it was enlivened by another kind of intoxication — that of seeing one of the most successful duos in British pop history up close and in irresistibly good form. The gig kicked off this year’s ...
It does change from place to place. Cardi B is one of your biggest fans. She grew up loving the Pet Shop Boys. That was John Mulaney. He really does look like one of the Pet Shop Boys. Neil ...
On the occasion of the duo’s 15th album, ‘Nonetheless,’ we’re reminded that pop music is an open invitation Where had the Pet Shop Boys been all my life? Honestly, everywhere. I remember ...
So the Pet Shop Boys picked the perfect time to come back strong with Nonetheless, the album they wrote long-distance during the pandemic, with bangers like “Loneliness” and “Dancing Star.” ...