Researchers from the University of Birmingham in the U.K. showed that high-resolution, 3D printed structures can be manufactured from an entirely bio-sourced feedstock. Once they have reached the ...
However, for all this to succeed, the protein in question must have the right spatial conformation, i.e. its own, correct 3D arrangement ... in the biannual CASP (Critical Assessment of Protein ...
In fact, each gene in cellular DNA contains the code for a unique protein structure. Not only are these proteins assembled with different amino acid sequences, but they also are held together by ...
Along with greater accuracy for the prediction of 3D protein structures, it offers a big increase for antibody-antigen interactions and can decipher protein-ligand interactions that – according ...
Using what’s known as Multi-Material InkJet 3D Printing, the designers first developed a new ink with a molecular makeup that cures into water-soluble structures when exposed to ultraviolet light.
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Here the authors report the AI system Umol that predicts flexible all-atom structures of protein-ligand complexes from sequence information, advancing AI-driven drug discovery: accurate structures ...
This is because proteins form attachments and interact with many other molecules and structures inside organisms. The shape of a protein determines what it can interact with, just like the shape ...
Mike Yagley, the VP of innovation and AI at Cobra, said the irons’ fully 3D-printed 316L stainless steel body features an innovative internal lattice structure, which allows for 33 percent of ...
In Eindhoven, Netherlands, a one-of-a-kind boulder-shaped home has become the first legally habitable house in Europe with load-bearing walls built entirely by a 3D printer, according to ...