Hundreds of workers at two Scottish airports are set to vote on summer holiday strike action in a dispute over pay. Unite the ...
Scottish aviation trade union Unite has confirmed that around 300 staff members based at Aberdeen and Glasgow airports from ...
Pat McIlvogue, Unite’s lead industrial officer for the aviation sector in Scotland, said: “ICTS Central Search workers ...
Staff are 'routinely' going without breaks they are legally entitled to due to staffing issues, the union said.
SCOTS could face holiday disruption this summer as airport staff are set to be balloted for strike action amid a row over ...
The Independent on MSN4മണിക്കൂർ
Hundreds of staff at two airports set to strike in pay row
Pat McIlvogue, Unite’s lead industrial officer for the aviation sector in Scotland, said: “ICTS Central Search workers ...
Scottish airports may be facing chaos this summer as staff are to be balloted for strike action amid a row over breaks and ...
One of those drivers striking, Gus McDonald, told BBC Scotland the charge is "extortionate" and makes them feel like "debt ...
Dozens of taxi drivers based at Aberdeen International Airport are refusing to work in protest over a new £7 charge for ...
ICTS's team provides the security at Glasgow Airport, including passenger pre-board and cabin bag screening. Staff are now ...
AN AIRPORT’S fleet of taxis parked up in protest at a new £7 charge for punters. Drivers in Aberdeen reckon they’re being ...