La cosmovision andine de la culture des Kallawaya recouvre un ensemble cohérent de mythes, de rituels, de valeurs et d'expressions artistiques. Largement reconnue non seulement en Bolivie mais aussi ...
“Indigenous communities that don’t forget their origins, that don’t forget their cosmovision,” he says, speaking of the Huilliche’s spiritual worldview, “see the importance of nature and their role in ...
Located in the Germuş mountains of south-eastern Anatolia, this property presents monumental round-oval and rectangular megalithic structures erected by hunter-gatherers in the Pre-Pottery Neolithic ...
Five buildings pay homage to symbols of the Mayan cosmovision: Casa Tierra (land), Casa Fuego (fire), Casa Espiral (spiral), Casa Viento (wind) and Casa Agua (water). For families with young ...
Among the terms and concepts stipulated in the bill are essential oils, natural and integrative medicine; conventional or predominant medicine; cosmovision of natural medicine, naturopathic ...
Depuis 5 000 ans, les peuples autochtones ont concentré leurs croyances et religions dans un concept connu sous le nom de Cosmovision. Ils l'appelaient « Illa Teqsi » qui signifie « Fondation de la ...
Our initiatives extend to the development of Indigenous-led research, comprehensive data collection systems, and mapping initiatives, placing Indigenous leadership, histories, and realities at the ...
Located in the Germuş mountains of south-eastern Anatolia, this property presents monumental round-oval and rectangular megalithic structures erected by hunter-gatherers in the Pre-Pottery Neolithic ...
Lisa Trever is a specialist in early art history and archaeology of what is now Latin America, with a research focus on the ancient art and architecture of Pacific coastal South America. Her first ...
“People be ‘nuancing’ and ‘both-siding,’ then a government is overthrown and a country falls into devastation and they are nowhere to be found.” That quote from Hood Communist sums up the history of ...
Des tasses à café, des mugs, etc. Ne vous en faites pas, les artisans ont aussi l'art de l'emballage ! Le village de Raquirá, la « capitale artisanale de Colombie », est réputé pour la céramique. La ...