This image can be used for non-commercial research or private study purposes, and other UK exceptions to copyright permitted to users based in the United Kingdom ...
Op het linker zijpaneel de heilige Johannes de Evangelist met kelk staande ten voeten uit in een landschap, op het rechter zijpaneel de heilige Maria Magdalena met zalfpot. support: height 57 cm ...
This image is available to be shared and re-used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial licence (CC BY-NC). This image can be reproduced in any way apart from any commercial ...
Adding to the immediacy of the painting, the artist has depicted the cardinal at full scale, with the biblical figures of the Virgin and Saint John at the base of the cross. Adam’s skull marks the ...
We hold true that "The glory of God is a human being fully alive" (St. Irenaeus 2nd Century), and that our Creator's grace and blessing is an invitation for us to help all others on their life's ...
The Church of St John the Evangelist, or St John's, lies on the south side of Edinburgh's Princes Street, at its very western end where it meets Lothian Road. At the bustling heart of Edinburgh, the ...
St. Mark, the Evangelist, is the author of the second ... St. Mark is sometimes called John Mark in the New Testament. Both he and his mother, Mary, were highly esteemed in the early Church ...
In the churchyard is a gravestone to John Smith, a salt tax officer who died in 1730. The gravestone is carved with a depiction of Smith seated at his desk, a quill pen in his hand. St John's is ...
St. Luke is said to have preached elsewhere throughout the Mediterranean, and possibly died as a martyr. However, even tradition is unclear on this point. Fittingly, the evangelist whose travels ...
The church of St John the Evangelist in Elkstone is the highest church in the Cotswolds. It is tucked away off the busy A417 Cirencester to Gloucester road, but it is well worth taking a detour to ...