In November 2019, a group of homeless mothers in Oakland took over an empty house ... the state agency had arranged for the ...
The office of City Atty. Hydee Feldstein Soto, who was on record opposing this project before she was elected and took office ...
A focused approach in Los Angeles for moving homeless veterans off the streets, tearing down sidewalk encampments and ...
Hoodies: Crossroads freshman Nathan Ravitz is the Los Angeles representative for Hoodies for the Homeless, collecting more than 2,500 sweatshirts for local shelters over the past 10 months. Courtesy ...
The long-standing encampment outside of the Hollywood studio has been a source of ire in the neighborhood, while the owner ...
The City of Los Angeles cleared out the homeless encampment in Hollywood, drawing a mix of protests and relief from some of the unhoused residents getting temporary hotel vouchers.
A homeless encampment outside of the legendary Sunset Sound recording studio in Hollywood was cleared Friday and more than 30 ...
Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass says the city will remove more homeless encampments from the streets of Hollywood soon.
Los Angeles city officials led an operation Monday in historic El Pueblo around Olvera Street to help bring people off the streets after an encampment reemerged. Councilman Kevin de León, who ...
Animal shelters in Los Angeles are facing a crisis from overcrowding as hundreds of animals are stuck in cramped conditions ...
An East Los Angeles family demanded justice Monday night for their stepmother who was left brain dead following an ...
Activists worry that laws aimed at penalizing homelessness and a lack of support resources will hurt efforts to help veterans ...