Mars enters Revati nakshatra, initiating a potent planetary phase affecting courage, drive, and career. The transit promotes ...
The ancient Greek gods, the immortal characters of Greek mythology, remain a fascination around the world as do their unusual ...
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Mars News
Mar. 13, 2024 — A deeply eroded giant volcano, active from ancient through recent times and with possible remnants of glacier ice near its base, had been hiding near Mars' equator in plain sight.
Newfound rocks on Mars suggest the planet may have once sported an oxygen-rich atmosphere, making it more Earth-like and hospitable to life than previously thought. A collection of rocks scattered ...
Humans have long imagined life on Mars, though our understanding of the planet has changed a lot. Some of the US's earliest plans assumed humans could reach the Red Planet by the 1980s.
As such, NASA is working with a technology development company on a new propulsion system that could drop off humans on Mars in a relatively speedy two months’ time rather than the current nine ...
Right now it takes roughly eight months for astronauts to travel from Earth to Mars, but if NASA or any other space agencies have hopes of establishing a base on the Red Planet, they’ll need to ...
NASA launched a mission in October that aims to explore a 140-mile-wide metallic asteroid by the name of 16 Psyche. An object like 16 Psyche, considered to be the exposed core of a destroyed ...
NASA's InSight lander may be relaxing in retirement on Mars, but the robot continues to provide the space agency with valuable information. Recently, the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter checked on its ...
The Mars family has a net worth of $117 billion and helms the candy empire Mars Inc. That makes them America's second-richest family, according to a 2024 Forbes ranking. They're known for keeping ...
French director Jérémie Périn’s cyberpunk mystery “Mars Express” manages to further complicate our sentiments with its dense yet satisfying world-building. A gripping, heady and ...