A coalition initially made up of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, BRICS expanded earlier this year to include ...
Khamenei will retain control, but conflicts with Moscow over control of Syria remain in the background. Moscow (AsiaNews) - ...
Poland says neighboring Belarus and its main supporter and ally Russia are behind a recent surge in migrants from Belarus toward the European Union. The accusation comes as the 27-country bloc ...
Moscow Middle School Principal Bill Holman’s life is like a giant circle that led him to end up in the same place he started, ...
"It is obvious that there is actually the elimination of political rivals by all possible legal and illegal means," the ...
TALLINN, Estonia (AP) — A Moscow court rejected an appeal filed by a Russian deputy defense minister’s lawyers who sought to have him moved from prison to house arrest as he faces bribery charges.
Strings of arrests and high-profile firings in the Russian Defense Ministry have led to Putin coup rumors online.
Yesterday, the French presidency said Russia would not be invited next week over what Paris called "Moscow's war of aggression" against Ukraine. Despite Vladimir Putin and officials accusing the ...
Background: A military parade is taking place in Moscow on 9 May. Russian leader Vladimir Putin, during his speech, accused the West of "distorting the truth about the Second World War" and hinted at ...
Colombo and Moscow are starting talks to resolve the issue of Sri Lankans fighting alongside Russians in the war against Ukraine, after at least 16 people were reported missing in action.  Junior ...