The ancient Greek gods, the immortal characters of Greek mythology, remain a fascination around the world as do their unusual ...
It turned out that in the Roman period this area was a place of sculpture processing. During the excavations, a statue of ...
This battle between good and evil often begins with a thought and with ideas that have the potential to transform people into ...
embodying the history and heart of Rome in its grandeur. The Pantheon, renowned for its perfect dome and the oculus opening ...
In Psalm 19:1-6 we find a beautiful presentation of God as the Creator ... What do we believe about God? What or who is God?
“In the Renaissance, Michelangelo and all the leading artists started to wonder why the Romans did such beautiful work; they started to puzzle on to the intellectual approach of it, fuelled by ...
We’re lucky to live in such a beautiful place, with both manmade and natural sights ... This area is rich in history and was ...
Gold has been synonymous with wealth, power, and beauty for thousands of years. Its unique characteristics—lustrous yellow ...
A tourist defaced a wall in an ancient Roman house which has survived Mount Vesuvius 's eruption in 79AD. Italian police said ...
With the findings constantly being enriched by the recent excavations in Amphipolis and with the latest announcements by the ...