This is the product's overall performance score, based on key tests conducted by our industry experts in the CHOICE labs.
Download the file linked in the reference section of this article to your computer. It is compressed, so you will need to uncompress it before you can continue. Transfer the files to the SD card on ...
TomTom is a leader in making GPS software and their GPS receivers are widely used throughout ... A green flag with the word 'Go' symbolises your departure location. A red flag is used to mark your ...
Source code and modifications for some of the older products are published on this site. TomTom GO Version 13.x TomTom GO Version 12.x TomTom GO Version 11.x TomTom GO Version 10.x TomTom GO Version 9 ...
This is the product's overall performance score, based on key tests conducted by our industry experts in the CHOICE labs.
The app also only alerts for cameras on the road that is being driven on, minimising false alarms. Fixed camera locations are provided by TomTom’s database, and verified by a TomTom moderation team, ...
The Go Live 1005 World is the most advanced TomTom yet, and we’ve tested it. A hefty £329.99 price tag confirms its top-of-the-range status, but you get a year of free live traffic updates ...
TomTom already runs Linux. The OpenTom project (Internet Archive Link as of 2022) has documented the hardware and software to allow custom software builds to run. The Wiki covers everything from ...
An EV’s range depends on much more than its current battery level. Driving speed, traffic, road type and elevation all impact how far a vehicle can go. TomTom’s EV Routing and Range takes these ...
Recently both TomTom GO Navigation & Traffic app and AmiGO have both become solid alternatives to the offerings from Google and Apple, especially for those running Android Auto and Apple CarPlay.